Be the inspiration for other kidney stone sufferers
If you have been a kidney stone sufferer then please join the Kidney Stone Research Group that is available just for sufferers on LinkedIn.
Beat Kidney Stones created this Group because they realised that any sufferer may want to tell their story and that these stories may help new sufferers to deal with their situation.
Just to be able to read others stories and about their treatments and experiences may be helpful and even an inspiration to a newly diagnosed sufferer?
After joining the the LinkedIn Kidney Stone Research Group at no cost, any sufferer can start a written conversation about their thoughts and experiences which can be read by other group members and commented on.
Experiences can be shared, questions asked and ideas discussed.
Sufferers can tell Beat Kidney Stones who and what to support.
Sufferer contributions may lead to answers and this condition being consigned to the medical history books?
Be the inspiration for other sufferers like Margaret was to the founders of this Charity.